
I discovered the following recommendations reading The Power of Full Engagement I think it is a great short read for EVERYONE! These are rules we should remind ourselves of as often as possible.

The Power of Full Engagement written by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwarts gives us the following information:

Physical Energy is the fundamental source of fuel in life.

The two most important regulators of physical energy are breathing and eating.

Eating five to six low-calories, highly nutritious meal a day.

Drinking sixty-four ounces of water daily is a key factor in the effective management of physical energy.

Most human beings require seven to eight hours of sleep per night to function optimally.

Going to bed early and waking up early help optimize performance.

Interval training is more effective that steady-state exercise in building physical capacity.

To sustain full engagement, we must take a recovery break every 90 to 120 minutes.

These are things we have always heard about, but do we implement this? How will you implement this?

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Help you kids practice their coloring, and colors in Spanish with this free resource created by me.

Rewards System equals a higher engagement

I discovered that students and kids just really enjoy rewards! In reality it is no mystery, we all know that, but don’t always implement. The following are ideas of how you can create a reward system in your household, or classroom. You can use this system for almost anything; you can encourage your kids to: become more kind, read more often, complete their chores, be more responsible and even for potty training. The first image is a system that can be used at home and at school. I think the General Store idea is amazing and the company Belles Combines was super clever with this idea! I have also provided images of the reward systems that can be easily incorporated into any household. Purchase it on my store:

The Scratch Away Reward System

How does it work?

You write in the reward and then cover your writing with the provided stickers. As kids scratch their way they are one step closer to revealing their reward (the reward you came up with). No bizarre answers, or things you can’t do! These sheets are designed by Scratch away and can be purchased on my store:

As any parent I love to browse ideas of how to educate my child at home. This is a compilation of the best ones I have seen on the web.

Not just do you get to recycle, but these are materials you already have at home. For some of these all you need to purchase is paint which you can find for a $1 in many places.

At-home Free Activities

 Benefits of Black and White toys at early stages of a kid’s life

When you observe your newborn child, you might think that they are merely lying passively, doing very little; however, there is a considerable amount of learning that is going on at that particular time. New synapses are continuously forming in this vital duration of rapid brain development. This incredible process requires your support; to aid your baby’s brain’s growth, the baby needs sufficient simulation. The newborn’s color view is restricted to black and white due to the partial development of their eyesight during birth. Therefore, babies love to stare at black and white patterns, which are conspicuous in their vague universes, gaining their attention and assisting them to focus. When you are aware of this fact, you can provide your baby with the appropriate type of visual stimulation, which reinforces the enhancement of sight and improves cognitive abilities and attention.

Cognitive development- regardless of their immature eyesight, infants can interpret mundane images and interact with them. Interaction with patterns and images improves babies’ learning and increases an improved comprehension of their environment.

Visual development- bold black and white toys can stimulate the growth of the optic nerves. Focusing on these visual stimuli exercises the baby’s vision, training the eye muscles and the brain to coordinate and work better. Besides, in the initial three months, infants can focus on eight to eleven inches far. This is more or less than distance from their mothers’ faces when feeding or nursing them; vision swiftly increases after that. This is how black and white toys are essential to motivate your baby’s vision.

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8 easy steps to creating a Bilingual Environment!

The best Planner is out there, I mean here!

I am all about planning, if I don’t write it down I will forget! I love this new planner so much that it is now part of my store. I included various colors and an amazing price. Check it out! I love that it comes with stickers and a detox your brain tab.